Things about Malaysia we may never get to the bottom of……..

Why some of the return journeys on the same MRT line (underground) or Sky Train cost more than the outward journey.

Whether the hookers…sorry I mean staff offering foot massages on the streets in Bukit Bintang are girls or boys.

Why they wear their coats and cardi’s backwards on their motorbikes….that one is still puzzling me.

Why they put sugar in all of the hot drinks (and cold for that matter) even when you ask them not to!

Why they put fish sauce and prawns in the noodles and rice dishes even when you say you want a vege version without meat or fish!!?

Why the serve take away drinks in bags and not cups.

Why they don’t give you a knife. A spoon and a fork sometimes but never a knife! Which, when eating an Indian meal, can end up with sauce all down your cream top!! I know, i know, it was the wrong colour to wear for an Indian meal!

Why people selling bottles (of drinks we guess) had them hanging on pieces of string from their ‘hut’ on the side of the road rather than having them sat on the tables they were sat behind.

Why people eat Durian fruit when it smells so bad (and doesn’t taste that much better as we have established) and you have to wear plastic gloves to do so!….”the king of fruits” my ass!

Why every third person walking along the street feels the need to gob! (Sorry there is no other way of putting it) it is like being on a football pitch.

Why there are not any cats or dogs sniffing around the food that is out on the street around the hawker food stalls……I am wondering if that is because they are the meat in the dishes being served maybe. (wink)

Why the people here on the street, on the MRT trains, random workman etc are so friendly and helpful to us. (Would the British be so helpful to foreign tourists walking around in the UK?)

Why they have ornate cages, with birds in, hanging above windows all along the roads in Chinatown etc.

Why someone would sit and break wind loudly when sitting near to someone (us!) in a food court. Perhaps breaking wind is a show of appreciation for a meal in Malaysia like burping is in other countries.

Why some escalators take you DOWN from an MRT station, whereas you have to walk UP! (Ass backwards surely?)

Why they made stairs with the odd random step that is deeper than the rest so as you go up them you stub your toe! We thought it was the fact that we were tired after walking all day but I have taken a photo to prove that is is the actual random height of some steps!

Why Malaysians eat ‘Chicken Floss’. On sweet things as well as savoury….again why? Also meat jerky that usually comes in flat squares and is piled high on the counter. Now admittedly we didn’t try the floss (or the jerky stuff) but when it is described as “like course cotton” it doesn’t really tempt you! As for the squares of “meat jerky” that looked liked a mad axeman had killed someone, mashed them up, flattened them and cut them in to squares. Sorry but you have to see a whole stall selling it to get that seemingly weird scenario in your mind.

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