Reasons to be cheerful, one two three! In the words of Ian Dury and the Blockheads. (Smile)

Mandy: 25 June

As our three month stay in Egypt slides nearer to its end, preparations for our trip to Asia are nearly complete. Malaria tablets tested and purchased. Tick (smile)

The flight to Singapore is booked and tickets for our onward journey, by coach, to Malacca in Malaysia purchased. Tick (smile)

(We are trying not to let the news headlines re hazardous, record breaking levels of smog in both places bother us!)

Clothes and basic essentials to take with us in our back packs chosen and ready to pack. (Tick) ……although there has been a slight change to Glen’s chosen items of clothing…..

……….The other day I left some hand washing to soak and promptly forgot about it! When I hung it out I noticed a big pink stain on the shoulder of Glen’s light blue linen shirt! (Eeeek!) In my ‘Waste not Want not ‘ mind set I could not bring myself to throw away a perfectly good linen shirt even though Glen said it was old and too big so no worries! Instead I re-washed it with the offending burgundy wrap and re-stained it………this time all over!!!! I had previously stained two of Glen’s t-shirts when spinning them with the same burgundy wrap!! (careless? Yes!…..and then to do it again!….******!) So now Glen has a matching set of three blue, white and grey tops, all with the same pink (cringe!) patterns on them.

Well we have been given a lot of advise re back packing lately which included “don’t take clothes you like and would not want to damage or loose” sorted! Glen is ready to go!!!


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