Sensible Hat


It’s wall to wall sunshine and blue sky here every day and temperatures up in the 38 degree range (sorry to all in the Northern Hemisphere) so one has to be sensible, factor 30 sun screen is the norm but I have now to consider a hat as well. Not an easy choice for me as I don’t look good in a hat, most people can carry off a cap, I can’t!

You would think that with the new freedom of no job and few friends around who would take the p**s I should feel liberated and choose whatever hat I wanted, the Crocodile Dundee look?, Indiana Jones? or even Jack Sparrow! Well for the five minutes I was in the shop, bartering and trying on this hat and that, I did feel liberated. I picked out the hat for me and confidently walked out into the sunshine, head held high and cocking a snook at the sun.

I walked along the Esplanade sneaking glances of myself in shop windows and thinking, this is the real me, this is what I really want to wear. Gone are the regulation uniform clothes of old Blighty, the work suit and tie.

All was well in the world until the first shopkeeper shouted out, “Hey Cowboy!” then the next shopkeeper, “Mr American”, “John Wayne!” “Where’s your horse!, maybe a Cowboy hat wasn’t such a good idea after all.

What do you think?

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