American Indian god of harvest

Mandy: 6.14am Thursday 2nd May

For those of you, like me, who were awaiting Denise’s text yesterday…

“Kokopelli – American Indian god of harvest”

for any new readers (welcome) don’t worry about it… either that or read the previous post if you are curious.

I am having a bit of a wobble today. Missing work and the satisfaction of completing the Show visitor analysis reports etc…..Na just kidding I haven’t got time to think about work! I am about to start my next book ‘The diving-bell and the butterfly’ Nothing to do with donning a wetsuit and weight-belt and breathing from a tank strapped to your back at 27metres. Actually I say that but i don’t know what it is about as I haven’t started it yet…… No I do not miss work (at the moment) well I am only just going in to the fifth week since leaving. I do, however, think now and then about the fact that my ex-colleagues must think I am a right lazy ass taking a year away from the Excel spreadsheets and the relatively new Sugar CRM system! Guilt is an annoying female burden…..but jealousy is a terrible thing too so surely that balances the situation out……hopefully they will forgive me for indulging in our dreams at long last.

Far from being bored or un-fulfilled we are happy reading, walking, budget food shopping, cooking and dusting the relentless ‘sand dust’ that is blown in on the the breeze through the balcony doors. We are more than happy, at the moment, taking life at a slower pace.

Lull before the (tropical) storm….. We will all too soon be trudging through rain forests with our bl**dy leech socks on! (excuse the pun) and hanging off the side of limestone mountains on narrow roads in rickety old buses filled with chickens and goats frightened for our life…..Once we arrive at our destination we will be wondering down side streets searching for some native sustenance, tummies rumbling whilst continuing to look for that $3 bargain room that is fortunate enough to have a glorious sea view and running water, backpacks biting in to our shoulders as we go. I know that those of you who know me (i am assuming we have picked up a few random strangers who have happened across this blog when doing a google search for ”travelling in the Glens – a Scottish Man adventure” ) all doubt my ability to do this, I do too If I am honest but I am changing and I feel that I will be able to adapt further…. Let me share something with you that might give you hope that I am a changed women…….. I have an ironing pile! There I’ve said it. I am not proud of the fact, and it is only four items but still I feel it signifies the change in me. We even, get this, had to iron a top before going out the other tonight!!! I know!!! Do you see what I mean! Keep the faith!


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