Advantage Murray


B****y h*** was that lightening!!!!? …!!!? It was Glen killing a little (medium) black fly with his ‘new’ (on loan) Mozzi bat! Frightened me half to death…. Well it literally did frighten the poor fly to death as it happens. Death by loud noise! Defended to death! Or was it the 5,000 volts? Frankly it was an unbelievably loud noise that I would think was an exaggeration if I was reading this but trust me on this one…. I jumped so high I nearly hit my head on the ceiling! Ok so now I am exaggerating but I honestly feel shaken, it has put me right off my sautéed green beans (mid morning hang-over snack) Glen’s ‘new’ killing device is shredding my nerves…. more than the actual fly relentlessly landing on my head every few seconds! Although I had apparently started to develop a twitch so maybe Glen is right to address the problem in the manner of Andy Murray ( i wanted to put Evonne Goolagong but I would have lost about 65% of our readers…. There i go again, assuming we have any!)


So …reason for hang-over snack, as mentioned earlier during the fly debacle, I feel fine now and anyway the early morning fuzzy head and parched mouth on waking was worth it. “My friends Janet and John are over from the UK, would you like to join us in a meal at my place?” Yes we too wondered… but no, they are not only a real, living, breathing couple but excellent company as it turned out. Last night was spent in interesting and relaxing conversation punctuated only by the delivery of many delicious courses of food (Thank you Denise) ….. We won’t talk about the orange ball nibbles….suffice to say Horace posed along side them fairly early on in the evening! To balance out his childish antics, on a cultural note, he also posed beside some sort of ethnic art feature in the shape of a ……?… Was hoping to get a reply to my text from Denise before I posted this on the blog……

facebook post, blog post, post on the forum…..I assume it all refers to the old fashioned meaning of the word ‘post’ as in an envelope with a stamp on it? (Smile) “You’ve got Mail!”….(one of my favourite films)

I am sure you must be thinking that you were mis-lead. “Mandy and Glen’s travels…” .. and they haven’t travelled anywhere yet. I can understand your feelings but bare/bear with us (they say you don’t have to have correct spelling or grammar in a blog, but having already noticed mistakes in my first posting ….due mostly to iPad’s predictive text, which is so annoying and I am really getting cross with it’s presumptuous predictions! ….I wish I was more….. Intelligent basically! – sigh) so where was I …still in Egypt, but yes travels, well we have been reading about Malaysia and Indonesia this morning. So much information to take in. So many places to see….Manado, Sulawesi, Komodo ….. two of their dragons were on SKYFALL i noticed when we watched it the other night!!! Mmm perhaps we should reconsider going there then!


0 Replies to “Advantage Murray”

  1. Kokopelli – care of Wikipedia – Kokopelli is a fertility deity, usually depicted as a humpbacked flute player (often with feathers or antenna-like protrusions on his head), who has been venerated by some Native American cultures in the Southwestern United States. Like most fertility deities, Kokopelli presides over both childbirth and agriculture. He is also a trickster god and represents the spirit of music.

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