Off we go!

We’ve rented our house out, our bags/backpacks are packed, and we are on our way to Egypt to start our ‘Gap Year’.

Thank you so much to all of our friends and family (old and very very new… Holly!) who have been so generous, thoughtful and loving in sending us on our first leg of our journey. We will miss you all xxx

In the air

Bye bye UK…..for now

Somewhere over Europe

First sight of Egypt, our home for the next three months!

15 Replies to “Off we go!”

    1. Hi Caroline, well if you remember in TCS I was anything but!! Lol! We are off to Egypt and then Asia, given job in and rented our house out for year 🙂 must be a mid life crisis 😉 how are you? X

  1. Wow. What are your plans? R u coming to Boston? We call a “gap” year the year after High school when a student chooses to delay entry into college to work or travel for the year. Funny to me for you to use it as a mature experienced adult. I think I am jealous.

    1. Hi Marianne, yes a gap year is usually taken once you finish Uni in your 20’s and before you start work. We didn’t go to Uni but fancied a gap year 😉 would love to come to Boston to see you guys again one day 🙂

      We are going to our place in Egypt for three months to plan the following nine months traveling trough Asia 🙂 so excited 😀 flying in to KL Malaysia then plan to go to Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, etc and then if Glen and I are still together (it is our 30th year together this year but after the travelling 24/7! ..Who knows! Lol!) we will go to China (if I get my way) or India (if Glen gets his way!) 🙂

  2. Glad to hear your wrist’s OK! Great to see you last night and hear about your GRAND adventure – it’s going to be totes amaz xxx

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