Kampot and Phnom Penh, Cambodia….revisited

31st December 2014 – 4th January 2015
After a lovely relaxing Christmas in Kep we left there on New Years Eve and made the short journey back to Kampot. The mini bus we travelled in won the prize for the most cracked windscreen in Cambodia and the most rickety of chassis but we knew it was only a 40 minute journey and we were in no rush; which was just as well, the speed it was travelling. We had decided to see the new year in back in Kampot before flying out of Cambodia to Southern Thailand.
We took more strolls along the river front.

We noticed the inscription ‘Mary Rose’ and a telephone number on the back of this stone seat and hoped it was the name of a restaurant or boat trip company being advertised and not the pseudonym of a local ‘business’ women!! The local rag mag there made for a very amusing read and made reference to 15 such women who ‘work’ in Kampot. The ex-pats call them ‘sausage hunters’ (chuckle)

This young boy rushed down to sit in the boat to have his photo taken…..or maybe he thought I was about to ‘run off’ with his boat! (Chuckle)

This guy wasn’t so happy about having his photo taken while he ate his lunch!

As we have indicated previously hygiene isn’t something Asian people seem concerned about. However we noticed in Kampot that the local officials (not sure what you would call them…Ministry of Health maybe) were trying to educate the locals there. It was clear by the photos that they were indicating that you should not use a tin of food if it is rusty or dented. I am not sure what the writing said about the containers of open food, the like of which are everywhere, uncovered and open to the elements and insect life!

Old colonial buildings can be seen around the streets, some have been renovated, some are crumbling. But whether it’s the dirty hawker stall eateries on the pavements or the fancy buildings which have restaurants inside, Kampot had a lovely feel about it. We enjoyed our time back there and revisited our favourite noodle bar and the cafes overlooking the river before travelling back to Phnom Penh where we stayed in a hotel near the airport the night before our flight to Krabi (via Bangkok)

Seeing as Phnom Penh wasn’t my favourite place during our travels and the fact that it was double flight day the next day you can imagine I wasn’t the most happy of travelling companions for Glen. Having said that I loved the three hour minivan journey back. There is always so much to see on each journey as well as ‘our life flashing before us’ as our driver swerved back and forth across the road to overtake and dodge the cows, dogs and bikes, you get to see village life and the lovely scenery. (smile)

I am always very aware of our fragile mortality on every journey but most of the locals in Asia don’t seem to be concerned in the slightest. Whether it’s whole families on their bikes as a bus zooms by just millimetres away from their handlebars or whether when they are sat precariously on top of vans and lorries.

These girls below are relatively safe with the roof rack sort of holding them in, but we saw a number of other people just sat on top of various lorry cabins seemingly without a thought for the basic laws of physics, if their lorry had suddenly stopped then they would have kept travelling forward!

Like the guy in the white top sat cross legged on top of the white minivan! It put me in mind of the American television series I was watching when I was in labour with Courtney. What was it called? …….Quantum Leap! Where Dr Sam Beckett would, without notice, be transported to another place and time. It looked like this young man expected to be sat on a mat watching TV or in front of a Buddha somewhere not on top of a van in rush hour traffic!
Please excuse the poor quality of these photographs which were obviously taken on the move in a van, which had the obligatory cracked window screen. We saw so many more weird sights but we were unable to capture them for the blog. The most surprising of sights on the journey back to Phnom Penh that afternoon was the thirty or forty open trucks that passed one after the other as far as the eye could see, all crammed full of young women. At first we thought there was some sort of festival or event that they were going to but we were very wrong. After passing truck after truck of these women who were stood squashed together we saw a factory which they were coming from. We have since read about the working conditions in these factories, the hours they work and the low pay they receive. You would never know from the relaxed happy faces of those girls in the trucks as they were returning to their various villages. Maybe they are the lucky ones when you think about the red light districts we have seen and the families living and sleeping on the streets in the capital; It doesn’t bear thinking about.
Something else we have seen a lot of in Cambodia, but not taken photographs of or written about in the blog, are these Chinese graves. They were dotted everywhere in the fields. They are mounds of earth with a white tiled area to the front. Again these are not very good photos but will help us remember them.

The owner of the newly opened hotel in Phnom Penh was a lovely man so it was a good end to Cambodia despite the smelly, rubbish strewn streets of the Capital city. After a short one hour flight we landed in Bangkok’s International airport and took the free bus across to Bangkok’s DMK airport to catch the short flight to Krabi.

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