Andy is waving goodbye……’s time to go home


As I sit here in the apartment, a relatively cool breeze delivering todays dusty film of sand across the furnitures surfaces, i have a mixture of feelings going around in my head…….. Excitement, (tomorrow we fly home to the UK and we will see my close family in Marshfield for the first time in three months) Nerves (having to catch a flight to enable us to do so!) and a mixture of the two as i think about our imminent trip to Asia. Imagining the massive personal challenges I will face, being out of my comfort zone, as we travel on various forms of transport in the coming months….

As we ate our breakfast this morning we checked the BBC news on-line and I was delighted that, for the first time in ages, there wasn’t any news headlines re Egypt’s problems or new travel related ‘plane or train crashes as there have been in recent weeks.

Years ago at the peak of my anxiety about flying I used to listen to Paul McKenna’s ‘Fear of Flying’ CD where he announced in a calm and soothing voice “you are more likely to be kicked to death by a donkey than die in a ‘plane crash” well fate, as if to almost confirm that fact, greeted me this morning with the following random, but sad, piece of news on the BBC’s news site.

My condolences go out to his family.

As I sit here, once again ducking as the b****y Army’s fighter jets do their morning fly past for the second time this morning!! My heart rate has just increased ten fold! Oh well they say you should raise you heart rate for 20 minutes three times a week…. I must be very healthy as they have raised mine three times a day over here!!!!

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