Deja Vu

Mandy: 7th Oct 2014

With a heavy heart, an even heaver back pack and the man of my dreams (no not George Clooney!!!) I head towards Heathrow airport…..again!!

Eleven months ago Glen and I returned to the UK to be with Dad and Mum, through Dad’s operation and Radio Therapy. We left CanTho on the Mekong Delta, Southern Vietnam, bringing with us amazing memories of our three month journey through Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the length of Vietnam (oh and a deep lung infection as it turned out). Since then we have spent a wonderful and emotional time with our family and friends in the UK and Egypt. Dad has overcome his cancer, (having his finger amputated meant he lost a bit of weight…always a silver lining Dad eeeeee! ) our elder daughter Lauren, and her husband (and partner of eleven years) Jack, produced ‘THE’ most gorgeous little girl, Eloise Autumn : )

As we embark on the second half of our Gap ‘Year’ we are filled with excitement (and myself, anticipation of course! ) for what sights, smells and experiences are ahead of us. I am feeling anxious, surprise surprise, I’m always negative and nervous! However, every now and again a flutter of true excitement ‘nudges’ my fears and I remember why we are doing this, leaving our wonderful friends and family and heading off again to the world of rice and noodles with my OCD tendencies dragging along behind us.

With a flexible and very understanding boss and a very patient and loving husband I am able to indulge in our dreams once again.

This time I have filled my backpack with more clothes and promise not to stock pile free bars of soap and toiletries! Glen has once again meticulously researched the countries and their culture, roughly planned our journey and organised the relevant visas, Mozzi sprays and currency etc.

Our adventure starts in Bangkok, Thailand before flying to Burma (Myanmar as it is now known) a week later. We then plan to travel to Chang Mai and various other places in North Thailand, through into Laos, Cambodia and beyond.

So bring it on 😀 ……..air and magic ;)……get us there safely.

16 Replies to “Deja Vu”

    1. Hey Gina Redmond are your ears burning? Sat in a bar having our first Thai beer and Pad Thai noodles tonight and met a lovely young Irish guy. He spoke like you and looked like Leanne Drake’s Rich 🙂 happy days 🙂 x

  1. I’m with Ali, bring on the rambling!! Sorry we didn’t catch up before your departure, busy diving the last 2 weeks! Will msg when I have time and you can read it when you find Internet! Lots of love to you both! Enjoy part 2 and stay safe and healthy!! And do some bloody diving in Thailand!!! 🙂

  2. Hoorah! Have fun you monkeys and will look forward to keeping up with all you’re adventures and ramblings on the blog, stay safe, much love xx

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