Give me strength!

Mandy: Saturday 10th August

We moved hotel this morning because we did not want to be greeted again by the distant sound of ‘boom box’ beat music from the “23 hour cafe and bar” next door (I have no idea why they didn’t go the whole hog and open 24 hours!) and that is where the breakfast was served! (it was owed by the same person)

I know we shouldn’t feel the need to talk to each other over breakfast seeing as we are together all day, all night, everyday for what will be a year ….but we do. So when the music is so loud you can’t talk and you are sat in near darkness trying to work out which type of cake they have given us this time with our over sugared coffee ………. I could go on but suffice to say….we checked out! It was a shame as the room was very good. Anyway another discerning gentleman who didn’t like to dance whilst eating his breakfast either also checked out and we all checked in to another hotel that he recommended. So here we are sat in bed having returned from a busy day (and evening out) and every ten minutes or so we can hear a “psssst” sound like someone is trying to get our attention! We looked around to see if there was anyone hiding in our room or any obvious spy holes in the wall (we heard about them in Georgetown!) and realised that every time we heard the noise there was a sudden fresh sort of clean smell. Glen is now stood (naked! Sorry for the unnecessary detail) on a stool with his penknife trying to get into this ‘state of the art’ box on the wall that has been spraying little puffs of ‘bio-ions’ into our room for our pleasure….well hygiene apparently! Glen has now disarmed it but not before it puffed another spray into his face. (Chuckle) Happy days.

The accompanying photo has been vetoed by Glen! (Smile)

3 Replies to “Give me strength!”

  1. I haven’t ever been able to comment or like your posts on the blog! Frustrating but still love reading it 🙂

    Hi Lauren, I know it is annoying, sometimes we can see the comments sometimes we can’t. I think Courtney said she can’t even see the facebook box to ‘like’ it on the blog page. People are emailing their comments to us instead 🙂 love Mum xxxx

  2. FB comment

    Why has the blog stopped me commenting all of a sudden, not that you saw it nor am I actually asking the question, just observering !! First of all I thought all 3 of you were sat on the bed (including the man who recommended it!!). Worried about Glen, naked, pen knife – it could all go horribly wrong xx

    Lol! Karen, I have no idea why sometimes people can comment and some can’t. Some can see the Facebook icon to ‘like’ it etc and some can’t even see that let alone the comment box….and as you well know even if the comment box is there we can’t always see the comments :s annoying. Others have just emailed the comments to us……. Do I want to receive your comments I wonder????

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