Glen, “I’ve seen it all now!”

Mandy: Monday 5th August

Regarding the firework man….. We should be cross with him for making a noise in such a peaceful place but I guess you go a bit stir crazy up in the hills of the rain forest eventually. There are only so many jungle walks you can do and once you’ve seen one epiphytic fern you’ve seen them all.

Talking of jungle walks, we went on one this morning from Tanah Rata to Robertson Fails and beyond.

We hadn’t gone far along the path when I noticed what looked like an Aboriginal man squatting down ( presumably from one of the Orang Asli tribes) He was all but naked in full view of the path on some flat stones in the river and…. how can I put it…… Paying great attention to, and picking bits off, himself! (Grimace) As we walked towards him he wasn’t looking up so I took a photo…. I know! how bad am I (chuckle) I will get back to this guy later…..

We walked for about an hour through the hills with the relaxing sounds of waterfalls and birds and then suddenly around the corner came THE white dog! We were 5km from our hotel in Brinchang in the next village (Tanah Rata) and an hour into the hills, and there was our white dog! How weird is that. I said to Glen when he followed us from the temple the other day that he was our guardian angel (smile) and remember the Chinese man outside of the temple who was selling wood and talking to Glen about Ivory and ebony wood the same time as we met the dog?….well today our white dog was with a jet black dog too!! ebony and ivory! Earlier I had said to Glen, as we walked along the narrow path looking down the slope, if we were to slip and brake an ankle or something (like my Mum did a few years back walking alone down a bridle path in Marshfield) with nobody around to help, what would we do? we really should have brought our mobile…. but our dog was there to watch over us maybe! So spooky!?

It’s thirsty work walking in the hills

At the end of our walk we saw the naked guy again……as we walked along side him he suddenly pulled up his loin cloth thing he had on, turned and put his backside over the side of the stone and within a milli-second urgently poo’d Into the stream! (open mouth!) this time Glen saw the whole thing! (Chuckle) It was a close call, he nearly left it too late! The man not Glen. What was that about?

Note to self: no matter how thirsty I am and how clear the mountain springs and streams look… not drink from them!!!

We came across a nice young couple from the Netherlands who asked us to take their photo. They asked where we were from and then said that their family were travelling through England at the moment making their way to Cornwall (smile) and that they themselves had visited Bath and Bristol a few years back. it’s a small world.


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