‘Journey home over land through the desert’

Mandy: 17th May

1pm – We sat waiting in reception for Ahmed Samir as arranged…… Mohamed turned up! No worries, he looked young, fit and in good health and more than up to the task of delivering us back safely to Hurghada….(inshallah!) So we made a bit of small talk, he spoke good English (we thought) and as we slowly made our way through the village streets I asked if he lived on the East Bank OR the West Bank of Luxor, ‘yes’ he said….. I left the conversation there. No sooner had we got into second gear he pulled over and said did we mind if he got a cup of tea! I could still see the hotel in the rear view mirror (sigh) he got back in with a clear glass full of tea …..full to the brim! I would spend the next 30 minutes worrying that he would spill the tea on the mustard coloured furry seat covers, his lap or the floor’ ….we are now 50 mins in to the journey and as yet he has not taken a sip of tea and I think by now it must have done all the spillage it can and so I stopped thinking about it…… we drove a little further, turned a corner and we pulled over again!! (This was going to be a long day!) ” I pick up my brother …to help me” (frown) okie pokie, if you must I thought, his brother looked even fitter, very strong and young and bodyguard-esq ….. I was happy. Off we jolly well go across the desert. (Glen all the while has been watching a film on his ipad, happy as can be, not a care in the world ).

I just glanced out of the window, we were crossing back over the Nile to the East Bank, going through some sort of ‘town’ ……there is washing hanging out in every direction…. but sadly I am not relaxed enough to enjoy the sight or take photos.

Ok , so Glen, as we have established, is occupied with the concept of time travel and the pros and cons of such a fantasy, as he watches the film ‘Looper’ (again) , Mohamed and his brother are now deep into Arabic conversation. We slow down and indicate (I know that should have been the other way around, but believe me the fact that he indicated at all was a wonder) I am thinking that maybe Mohamed is about to pick up another brother, cousin, or Great Aunt to ‘help’us with our journey. It looks like a private car but I am questioning whether we are actually on a family outing?

75 mins into the journey and there are still only four of us in the car so plenty of room, so no problem. (Smile)

I am thinking of Samir as we speed up along the open road ahead of us, praying Mohamed does not over take the lorry in front of us….ahh here we go …no back in because there is a car coming!!!! ……..Hec we over took him again but then dropped back behind!!! Even though there was now nothing in front. I think they are just taking the p*ss! I glance at Glen, he hasn’t even noticed! I wish I hadn’t told Mohamed that I didn’t like going fast or overtaking!! (Worried look) and what is that ‘binging’ noise…… Ah the ‘boys’ in the front haven’t got their seat belts on! (Sigh)

………… I cants type anymore I need to keep an eye on the road………

140km per hour…….. Playing ‘cat and mouse’ with an orange and blue Hurghadan taxi heading in the same direction. (I feel ever so slightly sick)

Mmmmmm I think one of them has broken wind……….. (Ten minutes pass) I might join them if this speed keeps up!………maybe I did because he just asked me if I was ok! I took the chance to tell him I was fine but that I did not like going so fast….he laughed heartily! (Blush) Oh well if I can make people happy along the way….(Grimace)….. (I didn’t by the way!!!)

Thought you might like that bit Dad eeeeeee (cheeky smile)

Thank God for police ‘check points’ across the road…. as yet there have not been any police in sight at any of them but we get to slow down every now and again and I can gather my thoughts and level out my breathing ….. We have just gone through another one……..again no police in front but as we pull away I notice some washing hanging on a make shift line out back…. Obviously busy doing their laundry (smile) I thought it best not to take a photo.

Two hours in to the journey and Mohamed has just announced that we are half way and that he will stop so we can use the toilets….the ‘boys’ have gone off for a cup of tea (smile) I choose to stay in the car, I didn’t feel the need to go to the toilet or buy any camel souvenirs thank you!

The break gave Glen and I a chance to have a chat on our own, apparently the ‘binging’ noise is not the seatbelt warning but a “you are going too fast” warning! Every time Mohamed went over 120km ph apparently!!!!’ Joy!

So, break over, we are back on the road, and now his brother is in the driving seat. So far, so good. (Smile)

If you think this blog posting is long, be thankful that twice during our journey I wiped out a paragraph or two somehow on landed after going over a speed bump…….at speed!

So three hours in to the journey, Mohamed is sleeping, snoring loudly, arms twitching and actually waving about!! (Seriously! No joke), i feel embarrassed for his brother, who is nudging him now and again. The speed warning ‘bings’ away as he drives over 120km whilst passing a ’90km maximin’ road sign…..happy days. (Sigh)

OK I am getting a bit annoyed now. Mohamed’s brother is straddling the white line in the middle of the road like he is doing a b****y dot to dot of driving! and now he is taking a call on his mobile!!! ….the car ‘binging’ all the while as he exceeds 120km ph. Mohamed is still snoring (albeit more gently and movement free) and Glen is now happy listening to music on his iPad!! unbelievable!

Hey! we must be nearly home, there is Senzo Mall! (smile)

We are safely back home outside of our apartment ……what a relaxing five day break we had! (Exhale…. Big smile)


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