
Now I don’t watch soaps at home but I know a good story line when I see one……

On reading up about the ancient temples and burial sites ahead of our trip to Cairo and Luxor I came across some information about a place called Dandarah. It was headed ‘THE CULT OF OSIRIS’

‘ Legend relates how the much-loved ruler Osiris was killed by his evil and jealous brother Seth. Isis, the Wife /Sister of Osiris, faithfully searched the banks of the Nile for his dismembered body, then buried the pieces throughout Egypt. ……Isis then used her magical powers to revive her husband just long enough to conceive their son Horus………..’

Now I know sceptical is my middle name, which often spoils things for me, but surely i am not the only one to think that something is not right here? Firstly “Wife AND Sister” I am willing to let that one go for now. However, if by some form of magic old Osiris was resurrected long enough to father a child… Which bit did Isis resurrect!? (Raised eyebrows!) Or did it have to be ALL of the dismembered parts!? That aside, and my point here is that I can’t help but think this was all part of a cover up…. Or is it just me who thinks his wife (and sister!!!) was preggers long before Seth did the evil deed and killed her hubby!…. this book is going to take an age to read if I over think ever section (sigh)

(Thanks to Peter and Lyn for the loan of the pre-trip reference books)


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