Waste not want not

Mandy: 3pm Tuesday 7th May

Apparently summer is looking a bit more likely in the UK! So if you are thinking about buying a book to read on the one day you will be able to lay out in the garden on your sun lounger or sit inside looking out at the summer showers that will suddenly fall as you turn to the first chapter! then why not give ‘The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society’ a go. Glen bought it years ago but for some reason neither of us got around to reading it until last week. We recommend it. It is a short book, an easy read but enlightening. (It reminds me of Mauve Binchey in some ways – which is why i have already said I would lend it to you in July Karen…. H) don’t let that put you off if you are not a lover of dear old Mauv though as I am not the best critic…. and I used to hate writing book reviews at school…that’s by the by.

On Saturday we went to the nearby ‘booze bunker’ with Sharon and Caroline. As we entered I felt like we were going in to buy Gin during the prohibition!…..anyway after trying to negotiate a good price for one of the empty plastic beer crates, I sent glass flying whilst trying to demonstrate its use as a table if upturned….all i will say is that our hunt for a cheap balcony table continues! A good time was had by all later that evening, not least by Cous Cous (formerly known as Puss Puss!!!!) We had a delicious curry …..thanks must go to Sharon’s freezer that broke down and defrosted at an opportune afternoon (thanks also to Gia for letting us sample her very hot Malaysian Vegan curry too) we then amused ourselves with a small beam of light and a cat!!! All of our UK cat loving friends would have been proud of me joining in the fun! He …sorry she (Cous Cous!!) really was a lovely cat…… There was a male cat too….Sorry forgot his name…. Oh and i mustn’t forget, Dad i must tell you that Caroline cooks the best Apple Pie! ……..outside of Marshfield of course (smile) Mum’s is the best (wink)
Fan dance!

Lately , when Glen is not frequenting our local bakery (to buy the fresh warm flat bread as in tumbles out of the open ovens on an antique conveyor belt), reading up on which Malaria tablets to buy or checking the flight prices to Kuala Lumpur he is getting in to the habit of DIY, well little odd jobs about the apartment. As I sit here typing he is tapping away with a bit of wood trying to straighten out the metal gully on the outside of the sliding balcony doors in readiness for Mozzi screens…. We have been told that there is a little shop that makes them just across the road and around the corner, at the back of the bakery actually….. He says he is off to buy the screens in a minute….I bet they will be closed and he will come back with more fresh flat bread…….it is getting a bit of an obsession now. (Smile).

The Malaria tablets are a, ‘you’re buggered if you do, buggered you do don’t’ scenario. I don’t really want to get in to that conversation at the moment, I am rather hoping that they will come up with a cure for Malaria before we fly out in July! Head-Sand-Ostrich! (Sigh)

With the Coptic Easter weekend behind us we went down to the Egypt Air office to plan our trip to Cairo and Luxor. Best get those two terrorist hotspots, I mean tourist spots ticked off out list before it gets even hotter. Although I think we have left it too late to notice the difference in any temperature rise here. But if those poor souls made the effort to build those majestic creations all those 1000’s of years ago it really is about time we fly over to view them ourselves and make noises of appreciation. This is our thirteenth visit to Egypt so it is about time we stepped away from the Red Sea and headed inland towards the Nile….. But how to get there? Yesterday Samir (a man after my own heart) totally understood and agreed with my reasoning re travelling fears over lunch (and talking of being understanding…thanks must go to Glen for eating the leftovers last night…..and AGAIN this lunchtime!!!) the four of us had a balanced conversation! re air versus land options and the likelihood of our demise during both! Thanks to Jo for keeping Glen company in the positive view of neither forms of travel being likely to guarantee an accident!

Left over red wine, left over orange juice and left over slices of orange from the beetroot and orange salad make for a tasty mid afternoon, poolside ‘Sangria’ I have discovered (smile).


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